
Port of Szczecin-Świnoujście

Port Szczecin and Świnoujście form one of the largest port complexes in the Baltic Sea region. They are located on the shortest road connecting Scandinavia with Central and Southern Europe. They are also on the shortest sea route connecting Finland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia via the Baltic, with Germany and Western Europe.

The port in Świnoujście is located directly by the sea, while the port in Szczecin is 68 km inland. The crossing by a waterway from the road in Świnoujście to Szczecin takes 4 hours. The location of ports in Szczecin and Świnoujście with each other makes them complementary. Thanks to its location by the sea, Świnoujście can provide high-efficiency ferry connections. In turn, the port in Szczecin, separated from the sea by 68 km and available for smaller ships gives the opportunity to reach the cheapest sea route inland, and thus much closer to the recipients and senders of cargo handled in it.

  • excellent access to the European inland water, railway and road transport system
  • most favorable ports for Poland’s largest industrial area, Czech Republic, Slovakia and eastern part of Germany
  • liner services to Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, and Holland
  • the Polish biggest and the most modern ferry terminal
  • the Port Duty Zones with a wide range of services
  • multimodal transshipment center
  • attractive development areas for investments in handling and storage facilities and port-related industry
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