LATEST NEWS2021 Fit for 55 package discussed during BPOs Board meeting2021-11-30 Traffic management tools discussed during BPOs Digital Working Group meeting2021-09-21 Innovation, climate and policy discussed at the BPC 20212021-09-03 Baltic Ports Conference 2021!2021-07-08 BPO joins Hydrogen Europe2021-07-07 Baltic cruise season kicks-off surrounded by a mix of hope and uncertainty2021-06-02 TEN-T policy, climate and smart mobility discussed at BPOs debate at the European Parliament2021-04-21 Baltic ports go digital2021-04-15 Baltic port outlook for 2021 and the European Green Deal discussed by the BPO Board2021-03-19 BPOs comprehensive ports report published today2021-02-25 Baltic ports get ready for the 2021 cruise season2021-01-28
TEN-T policy, climate and smart mobility discussed at BPOs debate at the European Parliament2021-04-21