baltic ports organization

 About us

The Baltic Ports Organization is a regional ports organization inspiring and supporting its members while cooperating pro-actively with relevant partners. BPO was established on October 10, 1991, in Copenhagen, with an aim to facilitate cooperation among the ports and to monitor and improve the possibilities for shipping in the Baltic Sea region.
Development over the past years has proceeded very quickly and at present BPO has entered a new, challenging and exciting phase. Currently, the organization is comprised of 49 members representing the most significant ports and stakeholders in the Baltic Sea region. BPO is well-recognized within the BSR, in EU bodies and other European regions.
The organization’s mission is to contribute to economic, social and environmentally sustainable development of maritime transport and the port industry in the Baltic Sea region, thereby strengthening its global competitiveness.
BPO is registered in Estonia (Port of Tallinn headquarter) and operates according to the Estonian Law on Non-profit Associations.

  • BPO represents the interests of the Baltic Sea ports towards EU institutions and other relevant organizations.
  • BPO contributes to the clean environment of the Baltic Sea, promotes environmental management in the ports and plays an active role in international dialogs where the environment is concerned (BPO Environmental Working Group).
  • BPO organizes dedicated conferences, seminars, study visits, dealing with questions in the area of port operation and management, and the environmental impact of port activities.
  • BPO supports and plays an active role in research, science, and training which lead to a better understanding of the transport sector in the region and to study future challenges.

 Our mission

BPO’s mission is to contribe to a sustainable development of the maritime transport and port industry in the Baltic Sea region, thereby strengthening the global competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region.

 Our vision

BPO is an active port organizeron inspiring and supporting its members and cooperating pro-actively with relevant partners. BPO is well recogtrz ed within the Balk S. region and in En bodies and other European regions.

 BPO Areas of activities
  • BPO should represent the interests of the Baltic Sea ports towards EU incautions and other relevant organizations (e.g. Helsinki Commision).
  • BPO should contribute to the dean environment of the Prato Sea, promote environmental management in the porn and play an active role in international dialogs where the environment is concerned.
  • BPO should promote Baltic Sea model region for green ports and maritime transport (as presented at Baltic Ports Conference 2016 in Helsinki). A part from promotion purposes, the idea of applying the same regulations in all Europe and worldwide, avoiding a distortion of competition in maritime tampon, should be promoted as well.
  • BPO should focus on the exchange of experiences and know-how in the port sector by organizing dedicated conferences, seminars, study visits, dealing with questions in the area of port operation and management environmental impact of port activities.
  • BPO should create a networking forum for small and medium-sized ports (comprehensive ports) in the Baltic Sea region to facilitate a regional understanding and mutual exchange of experiences in these ports.
  • BPO should sustain networking and the social role of the Organization BP0 should further strengthen and develop relations with various industry organizations, including shooing, rail and road sectors as well as with other business partners of the sea ports.
  • BPO should focus on initiatives promoting maritime transport m the way to move cargo and Passengers from all over the world through Baltic ports. BP° should support entrepreneurs, ideas, visions, and initiatives that contribute to the overall development of transport solutions in the Bahr Sea region.
  • BPO should support and play an active role in research, science and training which would lead to a better understanding of the transport sector in the region and to study future challenges.
  • BPO should take part in selected EU co-financed projects that are on line with its strategy and areas of activities mentioned above.
  • BPO represents the interests of the Baltic Sea ports towards EU institutions and other relevant organizations.
  • BPO contributes to the clean environment of the Baltic Sea, promotes environmental management in the ports and plays an active role in international dialogs where the environment is concerned (BPO Environmental Working Group).
  • BPO organizes dedicated conferences, seminars, study visits, dealing with questions in the area of port operation and management, and the environmental impact of port activities.
  • BPO supports and plays an active role in research, science, and training which lead to a better understanding of the transport sector in the region and to study future challenges.


 BPO Board

  • Dr Kimmo Naski, Hamina Kotka – Chairman
  • Dr. Gernot Tesch, Rostock – Deputy Chairman
  • Martynas Armonaitis, Klaipeda – Deputy Chairman
  • Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt, Copenhagen Malmö
  • Ville Haapasaari, Helsinki
  • Margus Vihman, Tallinn
  • Ansis Zeltins, Riga
  • Maciej Krzesiński, Gdynia
  • Magdalena Bosson, Stockholm

 Working Groups

  • BPO Environmental Working Group
  • BPO Comprehesive Ports Working Group
  • BPO Cruise Managers Working Group
  • BPO Digitalization Working Group

More about the Groups in the Working Groups section.

 BPO Secretariat

  • BPO Secretary General Bogdan Ołdakowski
  • BPO Executive Manager Marta Friedrichowicz
  • BPO Communication Manager Monika Rogo
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