Awake.AI joins the Baltic Ports Organization

Jan 27 2022

The Baltic Ports Organization (BPO) is happy to welcome a new addition to the BPO family, Awake.AI. As a leading software developer for smart ports and smart shipping, Awake.AI will greatly contribute to BPO’s knowledge and expertise pool in an area that is every year becoming increasingly more important to the continued development of the maritime transport sector.

The topic of digitalization remains among the key interests of the BPO. It is a process that affects every industry and the maritime sector will not be an exception. It is paramount to the continued competitiveness of ports to remain aware of technological innovation. As such, Awake.AI’s decision to join the BPO will benefit all of the Organization’s Members.

Awake.AI in a nutshell

The company’s founding in 2018 was inspired by the realization that smart ships cannot interact with the rest of the logistics chain, unless the needed digital interfaces and machine learning models are developed and linked to an open platform. It moved the founders to engage in dialogue with port authorities, operators and cargo owners determined to become forerunners in maritime digitalization.

Identifying the need for improving the communication processes among all port stakeholders as the key challenge, the idea was born to establish a collaborative and data-driven platform, supporting port digitalization and autonomous shipping.

“It was an easy decision since both BPO and Awake.AI mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of maritime transport. We are already improving all the Finnish ports competitiveness by using our AI and machine learning expertise to deliver ETA and Port Call Timestamp service for all Finnish ports.. Since we consider to be part of Baltic maritime sector, ourself we think it is only natural to offer our expertise and Smart Port technology to other Baltic countries as well. We are really excited to be a member of BPO” – comments Sami Kaksonen, VP of Sales & Marketing, Awake.AI, on their decision to join BPO.

In support of environmental sustainability

Numerous climate and environmental policies, either already implemented or coming into force in the near future, bring new challenges for the maritime sector to face. Environmental protection is without a doubt one of the major aspects shaping the current face of the sector.

As companies in the global maritime transport business are required to adjust their strategies in order to comply with more stringent environmental regulations, Awake.AI’s tools can help the industry adapt. The company’s mission is to lead the transition to sustainable and intelligent maritime logistics where 10% of the global CO2 emissions from shipping will be reduced by 2030 with the help of the ecosystem partners.

The BPO is excited to work together with Awake.AI and is looking forward to all the opportunities for cooperation opening in front of us.

You can learn more about Awake.AI by following this  link.

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